Grace Place Afterschool is a safe place for K-6th grade children in our community. Grace Place is open after school Monday-Friday.
Grace Place follows GCA for weather & illness related closings. Throughout the school year Grace Place is open until 6pm Monday-Friday.
Schools Serviced:
- Amherst Elementary
- Ball Camp Elementary
- Grace Christian Academy
- Hardin Valley Elementary
- Mill Creek Elementary
- Karns Elementary
- Karns Middle (6th grade only)
$60 Registration Fee
$110/wk Full-Time (4-5 days)
$70/wk Part-Time (1-3 days)
For more info contact graceplace@gracebc.org
Benefits of Grace Place:
- Safe transportation from school to Grace Place
- Teachers trained & certified in First Aid & CPR
- Two teachers in every classroom
- Daily devotions, homework help, and outdoor play
Summer Day Camp
- Schedule: June 3 – July 28
- Monday-Friday 7:00am-6:00pm
- Available for completed Kindergarten–8th grade
- Breakfast and snacks served daily
- Weekly field trips including a pool day
- Special events and weekly themes
- Daily devotions and weekly chapel
- Pick your weeks
$210 weekly rate per student