in the Student Building
Childcare available with registration
All you need for this class is a study Bible, colored pens, and a three-ring binder to keep notes.
Recommended Study Bibles:
in the Student Building

Grace Women Growing Together is a discipleship journey that seeks to engage, encourage, and equip women through mentoring relationships to exalt God by fulfilling the Biblical mandate to make and teach disciples.
Grace Women Growing Together: A Discipleship Journey is a ministry birthed from the desire for Grace Women to “grow up” in their faith, as described in Ephesians 4:11-16. As Christ followers we are called to develop healthy growth so that we build up the Body of Christ to function as God designed it – to make and develop more disciples of Christ.
We are pairing women together in a mentor/mentee relationship where discipleship will occur within the framework of intentional relationships. Women will devote themselves to intentionally growing in their walk with Christ.