50% Payment Date (September 30, 2024): This date is six months prior to departure. At this point, 50% of the total cost is due. Most people should be registered by this date. Signature Tours must provide hotels and cruise lines a more precise room count at this point.


Final Payment Date (December 30, 2024): This date is three months prior to departure. There are no refunds beyond this point. Travel insurance should be purchased prior to making the final payment. No additional registrations can be made after this date. The final room count has been confirmed with the hotels and cruise line (if applicable).

Flights: Final numbers are due to the airlines 100 days prior to departure. All unused seats will be forfeited at this time.  Any registrations after this date must book as Land Only and purchase their own airfare.
Rooming List /Bus List/Flight groups: We may reach out around four months prior to departure to assist us in matching any singles that still need roommates. If your group requires multiple buses and/or flight schedules we will also ask for your assistance in assigning these groups. 

Travel Packages: A travel package will be sent to each participant around 20-30 days prior to departure. Signature Tours will send out a reminder to your participants to make sure we have the correct address for each traveler.